KFSK Online Content Policy

The Narrows Broadcasting Corporation Board of Directors which governs KFSK-FM and KFSK online

has authority over online content, appearance and practices.

As an important public face and portal to KFSK, online content shall reflect and be in

accordance with the mission, policies and procedures of KFSK.

The KFSK online design, and content are the property of Narrows Broadcasting Corporation.

Content copyright resides with KFSK unless otherwise noted by other providers.

The online managing editor shall be the radio station general manager.

The managing editor shall enforce board decisions and approve all online content.

The managing editor shall be directly accountable to the board.

KFSK Tradio Policy

Adopted November, 2004

KFSK’s Tradio program is provided as a free service to individuals, public and non-profit

organizations to buy, sell or trade items, or to make announcements to the community.

Commercial businesses or private, for-profit ventures have alternate options available

to them on KFSK airwaves.

Tradio announcements may not promote or advertise for-profit events or products.

Public Service Announcement Policy

Board Amended and Approved – March 2007

1) PSA’s first and foremost convey information of interest or benefit

to the general public, or to broad segments of the public.

2) PSA’s can promote the goods, services and activities of any non-profit or social agency, any non-profit special interest group or club, or any educational, civic, religious, fraternal, or governmental organization.

3) PSA’s are not intended to promote the interests or activities of a

for-profit venture. There are three exceptions to this rule:

A) PSA’s may be used to notify the public to unanticipated changes in the normal operation

of local businesses, if those unanticipated changes affect the accustomed patterns of the

public. For example, if a press breakdown means the “Petersburg Pilot” cannot be

distributed on Thursdays, as it usually is, it would be permissible to notify the public

of this change.

B) PSA’s may promote information that is in the medical interest of the public.

For example, it is permissible to notify the public that a class or program related to

the medical field is available. Examples meeting approval – CPR classes, meetings for

Diabetics. Examples not meeting approval – an eye doctor is coming to town, etc….

C) PSA’s may promote cultural events that are offered to the general public for a limited

time. Announcements for events sponsored by for-profit entities will be limited to a

three-day period prior to the event. Examples meeting approval – artists receptions,

music concerts, Oktoberfest ArtShare, Little Norway events, special events with cultural

or artistic themes. Examples not meeting approval – a band playing at a venue for a

long period of time, an artists’ work being displayed in a business for a long period

of time (the intent here is the time frame, if the announcement promotes a limited

event then it is deemed in the public interest to make the announcement)

4) PSA’s may promote benefits that promote an event to raise money to help a family or

individual with unanticipated or unusually high expense – such as medical bills or

recovery from fire, etc…

5) PSA’s must not advocate political positions, but can promote public access to

information about issues of controversy. For example, a PSA cannot call the public to

take some action, but can let the public know how to find out more information about a

subject of civic or political interest. Similarly, PSA’s may be used to let the public

know where and when they may meet political candidates.

6) PSA’s may offer employment opportunities through Job Services. PSA’s may also promote

job opportunities at the local entities characterized in #(2) of this policy.

7) This policy is subject to interpretation by KFSK Management.

Open Airwaves Policy

Board Amended and Approved – March 2024

The KFSK Board of Directors resolves that it is a function of KFSK to encourage the on-air public expression of personal opinions, ideas and creative works. KFSK will air materials submitted by the public in order to amplify a variety of voices and viewpoints.

Submissions will not be anonymous, at least one author must be identified. The content must be a personal viewpoint with a time limit of 5 minutes for each submission, and the frequency of submissions on a particular subject matter shall not be excessive.

A single identifiable photo may accompany the commentary on the website – if no photo is submitted a default will be used. Submitted photos must meet the resolution and size requirements of the KFSK web page and be owned by the commentator. 

The principal medium will be an audio file. A transcript matching the audio may be included and will be archived on the station’s website. Links to 3rd-party sources will not be supported.

Personal attacks, allegations of criminal misconduct or other negative assertions against the character, behavior or reputation of an identifiable individual(s) will not be broadcast.

The criticism of a public figure is allowable material if the criticism is based on the official actions of that public official – those targeted public figures will be notified of the commentary prior to broadcast.

The Station Manager has the discretion of airing and placement of material submitted by the public. If the Manager believes material is not suitable for broadcast, the Manager and the material’s author may request a meeting with the KFSK Board of Directors and reach a final decision at the earliest possible date.

Staff Guidelines for Publicly Produced Radio Pieces


KFSK staff will work with members of the public to help produce professional quality work.

Material will be aired up to 3 times, during or adjacent to local newscasts.

Audio and transcripts will be placed on the station’s web site following on-air broadcast and archived for public access.

Updated 3/2024

Underwriting by Candidates for Public Office

KFSK will accept underwriting from public candidates, political parties or organizations advocating issues, resolutions, constitutional amendments, bond issues or ballot propositions.

The following practices apply to underwriting by public candidates or groups:

  • Availability: All Alaska candidates for federal, state and local offices will be notified that KFSK accepts underwriting announcements from candidates for public office.  KFSK will make an equal amount of underwriting space available to all candidates, on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Maximum Number of Underwriting Announcements: Underwriting announcements from candidates for public office will be limited to three per hour.

 Adjacencies: A candidate’s announcement will not be placed adjacent to that of any other candidate.  The announcements may be placed in any program or day part with the exception of local news broadcasts.

 Cost: The cost will be determined by the station manager, and all candidates will receive equal treatment.  The 2022 rate is $21 per underwriting announcement.

 On-air announcements and On-Line Web Tiles: On air announcements/web tiles will be consistent with the KFSK Underwriting Policy, and consistent with one of the style guidelines listed below. Announcements may not exceed 20 seconds in length, including candidate’s name and identification of the campaign committee as required by the Alaska Public Offices Commission.  Announcements may not contain slogans, or endorsements, with the single exception that announcements can express support for public broadcasting.  Announcements will be read by an announcer selected by the station, not the candidate.

  1. Support for KFSK is provided by Tom Abbott, democratic candidate for President of the United States. Paid for by the Committee to Elect Tom Abbott, Box 149, Petersburg.   Ken Fate, Chairperson.
  2. Support for programming on KFSK is provided by Bill Legere, Libertarian Candidate for Mayor of Shelter Island. Paid for by the Committee to Elect Bill Legere, Box 123, Juneau.  Lisa Purvis, Chair.
  3. …and by Barnaby Dow, Republican Candidate for Cat Catcher, in support of public radio programming. Paid for by the Committee to Elect Barnaby Dow, 1 Dow Plaza, Sitka. Tom Willis, Chair.
  • Duration: The discontinuation of this policy will require a majority vote by the station Board of Directors.