Tag: new hospital project

Petersburg Hospital Board to meet to discuss letter of support for new hospital project

Petersburg’s Hospital Board will meet tonight at 5:30 p.m. to vote on a letter of support for the construction of the new hospital facility. The letter highlights the importance of the healthcare services Petersburg Medical Center provides to people in the region, as well as its role as an economic engine in Petersburg. It also outlines the need for replacing the old facility, which is rapidly falling out of code.

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Petersburg Borough Assembly to consider helping local business quarry more rock in exchange for construction materials

Petersburg’s Borough Assembly has a lengthy agenda ahead of its meeting today, which starts at 12:00 p.m. in the Assembly Chambers. The assembly will vote on several new items of business, including a request from Rock-N-Road Construction Inc. to allow them to modify the airport rock quarry and a nearby access road in exchange for up to 60,000 cubic yards of rock.

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